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In Strange News: Pigs Resurrected from the Dead!

Frankenstein! Franken-hogs!

Scientists at Yale were able to reanimate pigs after they’d been dead for an hour! They induced heart attacks in anesthetized pigs and after an hour they were cooled and given neural inhibitors. They were then hooked to a system called OrganEx (system of 13 drugs mixed with blood and pumped into the animals’ cardiovascular systems). They found they were able to restore circulation to vital organs and stop the progress of some cell damage and reverse it, thereby preventing cell destruction!

 What’s super cool about this is that it could do wonders for prolonging the time to get organ transplants to recipients in the short-term. As anyone who is familiar with transplantation knows, when you are up, you have to be ready to be at the hospital immediately when they call you because time is the biggest factor in an organ remaining viable for transplant. This technology could make organs more available, able to travel to recipients who are farther away, help them to remain viable for longer, etc. Pretty rad. 

5 Replies to “In Strange News: Pigs Resurrected from the Dead!”

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