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DEADLINE EXTENDED!! Listener Story Submission Contest!

Hey, guys! Thank you stopping by to share your twisted true tales! We’re very excited to read all the submissions and pick a winner! 
Here are the rules of the game!
1) Submit all entries to strangewoodspodcast @gmail.com.
2) All stories must be true. No fibbing!
3) Try to keep it brief. If typed out, no more than 1,000 words. If audio recorded, no more than 3 minutes. 
4) Like and subscribe to The Strange Woods Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And don’t forget social media, too!
5) By submitting your story, you agree to allow us to use them on and for The Strange Woods Podcast as part of our listener submissions whether or not your story is chosen as the winner. 
6) In your email, please include the phrase: I have read and agree to all rules of this contest as stated. 
7) There is NO LIMIT on number of entries, but please submit each story individually.
8) You may remain anonymous if you choose. Just let us know!
9) All submissions must be turned in no later than midnight on April 15, 2023. One winner will be announced and contacted the following week.
10) If your story is selected as the winner, one item of your choice from our Strange Woods Merch Store will be mailed to you at no cost to you. 
11) Stay strange!


Remember, if you’d like to be featured as a guest on the show, drop us an email and we will contact you about setting up a future date to record an interview. We LOVE listener stories so get them to us and don’t forget to STAY STRANGE!

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