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Episode 22 – Tend the Light: The Hauntings of St. Augustine Lighthouse (Part 2)

You're back! We knew you would be. Who can resist a paranormal investigation, amirite? Well, you wont be disappointed. In this episode, Peter and Brandi conduct an onsite paranormal investigation of the St. Augustine Lighthouse in St. Augustine, FL! Listen to the previous episode for the info on all the hauntings we reference in this episode so you don't miss anything! And hold onto your butts...this is CRAZY!

                                                  STOP! INSIDE JOKES AHEAD!

If you haven’t gotten to listen to the episode yet, spoiler alert! This post contains lots of stuff that will make waaay more sense if you listen to the episode before or while reading. So if you haven’t already, pump the brakes and listen to the episode or just click above to play so that you can be in on all the shenanigans to follow! 

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Produced by Peter Woodward



So, as you know, we (Peter and Brandi) visited the St. Augustine Lighthouse in St. Augustine, Florida. The place is full of historical goodies as well as chock-a-block full of hauntings! 

Joining us on this excursion was Brandi’s sister, Heidi. Welcome, Heidi, to the Strange Woods BooBoo Crew! She represented the pod in her own Strange Woods shirt, and got the absolute crap scared out of her!


As we discussed, we went on the Dark of the Moon Tour with our tour guide, Emily. She shared the ghost stories associated with the property as we walked through and around the lighthouse, the Keepers’ House, and the general grounds.

Afterward, we were told to explore independently and were given a stop time of 12:45am, which gave us about an hour and a half to investigate. Each guest was wearing a glow stick around their necks in the color blue and staff wore green. 

We were also explicitly told to be quiet, not attempt to scare others or each other, and to keep our phones on Airplane Mode so as not to interfere with any potential activity. Lastly, we were notified about areas to avoid that have been known to give false readings and data in the past, specifically those with electrical panels and magnetic sources nearby.

After all this, we were ready…

Our equipment

We utilized several pieces of equipment to help us in our investigation. We, of course, recorded some video with both of our cell phones, but we also had two lapel mics and a shotgun mic on a monopod. Peter also had some studio headphones he wore the entire time to pick up on things we couldn’t hear with the (ahem) naked ear. 

To help facilitate further communication, we used the GhostTube Vox app. Peter and Jonathan discuss this in detail on the episode, but in a nutshell, the app allows for words and phrases to be utilized by…who or whatever is out there…to communicate. 

And communicate it did…

The investigation begins...

Though initially, we wanted to go into the basement because it’s supposedly the most active, most people on the tour wanted to do that, too. We decided to start on the first floor of the Keepers’ house in the large Harn exhibit room. We set up at the table near the stairwell leading to the basement. 

These are the steps leading down into the basement. Our setup was at the table to the left of this area.


As you heard in the episode, Jeremy and Jonathan went in cold on the audio clips so we could get their reactions. Below, we will transcribe each clip and include the audio file so you can best experience the investigation! We will also include what WE heard and OUR interpretation of the content. You are all, of course, entitled to your opinions on what was actually captured/said. Let us know if you hear anything we missed or if you think we are completely off and you picked up on something new or different!

Audio Clip #1

In this clip: We walked to the interior room of the Harn exhibit on the first floor of the Keepers’ House. There are two long tables on either side of the stairs that lead to the basement, and mounted on the wall above was a television. 

Immediately, as we were getting started, Peter’s cell phone turned off! At the time, he thought it was a dead battery. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t.


Brandi: Here we go!

Peter: So are we going mess with the Major Minor or you wanna go in the basement?

Brandi: You do what you wanna do, crazy.

Peter: Anybody got lights on their phone?

Heidi: Why?

Peter: …so we don’t trip. We can point it at the ground.

Brandi: Flashlight. You know, we could start right here. It’s just us.

Peter: And…turn this on.

Brandi: You just saw somebody pass by the window, didn’t you?

Heidi: Yeah…(unintelligible).

Brandi: Okay. Everybody wearing blue glow sticks? Freakin out, Heidi? You freakin out?

Peter: So I’m gonna put it right here. This is a voice recorder. We’re gonna talk to the ghosts!

Brandi: Yeah!

Peter: So this thing is very sensitive, and I’m gonna turn it up even higher.

Brandi: Okay…hey. (phone shuts off) It turned off.

Peter: Why’d it turn off?

Brandi: I don’t know.

Peter: What did you do?

Brandi: I did nothing. I saw a gmail notification and then it turned off.

(at this point, you can hear some other people talking in the background as they walk through to the basement)

Peter: Are the ghosts already turning our equipment off?

Brandi: (gasp) For real? Did it turn off?

Peter: Turn it back on right now.

Brandi: Oh, my God. His phone powered off for no reason. 

Peter: Oh, no. It’s dead battery.

Brandi: Oh.

Heidi: The phone’s dead already?


Audio Clip #2

In this clip: We needed an additional light source, and Heidi offered her cell phone flashlight and powered it on. When we turned Peter’s phone back on, we discovered it still had a 31% charge, did not require any updates, was not overheated, etc. and as such, should not have powered off.  You can also hear audio of the front door slamming as people enter and exit, scaring Heidi every single time 😀


Peter: Well, I can record using your phone, if you want. I just gotta plug this into it.

Brandi: Well, then we don’t have light.

Heidi: I have light!

Brandi: Oh, okay…I’m just closing out extra apps…so it can save as much…space as possible, okay? It says 31%. It shouldn’t have powered down. Just sayin.

Peter: It’s at 31%?

Brandi: Mm-hm.

(door slams)

Brandi: (laughing) Every time the door shuts, Heidi jumps like two feet!

Audio Clip #3

In this clip: We set up, started to ask a few questions while recording audio, and then decided to turn on the GhostTube Vox app. As we stated, the skipping sound is what is expected, but all other output from the phone speakers should be independent of the app and, hopefully, generated by…something else! 


Peter: Okay so…we’re putting this down. Ask questions.

Brandi: Alright, who do we want to talk to?

Peter: Is anybody with us?

(door slams)

Brandi: How old are you? How many are there?

Peter: (pulls up GhostTube Vox app) Let’s try doing this, too.

Brandi: Oooo YEAH. Oh, sorry…very loud. 

(GhostTube Vox skipping sound starts)

Brandi: Okay. 

(door slams)

Brandi: So, Heidi jumped again because the door shut. And…

Voice in app: Looking at you.

Brandi: You’re looking at me? Oh.

Peter: I heard that, too.

Brandi: I’m ‘looking at you’.

Voice in app: It’s in the connect…

Peter: ‘It’s in the Kinect’?

Voice in app: Challenge.

Peter: ‘Challenge’? I don’t think I want to challenge you, I just want to talk to you.

Voice in app: I’d like that.

Peter: You’d like that?

Brandi: What’s your name?

Peter: Are we alone? What’s your name?

Voice in app: Christina/Skinner (?)

Peter: Christina?

Brandi: Skinner?

Voice in app: (?)

(flashlight shuts off for the first time)

Brandi: Oh!

Peter: Ooooooh…I don’t like that your flashlight just turned off!

Voice in app: She had…

Brandi: ‘She had ‘what?

Peter: ‘She had’ turned the light back on?

Brandi: So Heidi’s flashlight turned off randomly right after it talked.

Peter: Can you…can you turn the light back off? In 3…2…1?

Voice in app: (?)

(you can hear people walking through at this point)

Heidi: What?

Peter: What?

Voice in app: Specter.

Peter: ‘Specter’?

Brandi: ‘Specter’? Specter.

Voice in app: (?) Jesus

Peter: ‘I like Jesus’? No, I…I just heard that.

Voice in app: First.

Peter: ‘First’.

(you can hear lots of loud footsteps as people walk through)

Brandi: (laughing) Heidi’s about to punch someone. You still here?

Voice in app: (?)

Heidi: Huh?

Brandi: Ohhh…

Peter: I don’t know what that was. 

Voice in app: TV.

Peter: ‘TV’. You want me to look at the TV?

Voice in app: Please.

Peter: ‘Please’? Can you turn it on?

Brandi: What about the flashlight? Can you turn it off?

Peter: Is Peter in the basement?

Brandi: What about the girls? Are the girls around? The kids. What about Major Harn?

Peter: It’s weird how it’s just quiet now. 

Brandi: Are you someone else?

Voice in app: (?)

Peter: What?

Brandi: Are you someone else?

Voice in app: Speak.

Peter: ‘Speak’. We are speaking.

Brandi: Yeah, we can hear you.


Audio Clip #4

In this clip: As we discussed in the episode, Brandi and Heidi’s grandfather used to throw in the phrase ‘And there’s always a big ol’ hairy butt’ when someone would use the word ‘but’ in a sentence. During our exchange with the voice, Heidi says this phrase and gets an immediate reaction. The audio of Heidi specifically is a little hard to hear because she was not wearing a mic. Listen along!


Voice in app: Butt!

Peter: (haha) ‘Butt’.

Voice in app: If there is…

Peter: ‘If there is’.

Brandi: If there is a butt!

Peter: If there is a butt, then what?

Heidi: (as Peter is talking) There’s always a big ol’ hairy butt.

Voice in app: (laughs/snickers)

Peter: Was that a fart?

Brandi: Did he laugh at you? Heidi…

Voice in app: Feel like one…

Peter: ‘I feel like one’?

Voice in app: (?)

Brandi: (gasp) Heidi said ‘a big ol’ hairy butt’ and he went (mimics laugh/snicker) like it was laughing.

Peter: Ya’ll I got so much goosebumps right now.

Brandi: So you tell a joke…

Voice in app: Hey!

Heidi: (really quietly)hey.

Brandi: He likes Heidi. 

Voice in app: (laughs)

Peter: That was another laugh.

Brandi: (gasps) Heidi! (laughing) Heidi’s breaking the rules and she tells funny jokes. Your kind of chick, huh, talking about hairy butts?

Audio Clip #5

In this clip: Heidi’s pretty scared at this point by the idea that this voice is talking to her. 


Peter: Do you wanna talk to her?

Brandi: (laughing) Heidi’s like “Please don’t say ‘yes'”.

Peter: Ya’ll wanna…

Voice in app: I’m sorry!

Peter: ‘I’m sorry’?

Brandi: (gasps) Oh, God. (laughing) Oh, God!

 (The flashlight powers off at this time. It had been on for 5 minutes and 55 seconds. Heidi and Brandi both gasp, and Heidi immediately turns the light back on.)

 Heidi: (gasps)

Brandi: (laughing) Oh, no! I think there’s a timer on that thing!

Peter: There’s gotta be. 

Brandi: Okay…

Heidi: I’m gonna throw up. 

Voice in app: Please don’t puke!

Brandi: What? Heidi’s light just went out again…

Voice in app: (?)

Brandi: This is kind of bizarre. 

Peter: ‘Cause ya’ll saw when I had it in the car, it wasn’t doing anything. 

Brandi: Oh, yeah. (unintelligible)…

Voice in app: (musical sounds)

Brandi: It’s playing music.

Heidi: That’s music.

Brandi: It’s music…

Voice in app: (?) (very loud and creepy)

Brandi and Heidi: Ugh…no.

Brandi: Okay…

Peter: I can’t understand what it’s saying.

Brandi: It’s just kinda making noise. Maybe he’s serenading you, Heidi.

Peter: He’s singing.

Brandi: What’s your favorite song?

Voice in app: You wanna hear it?

Brandi and Heidi: (gasp)

Peter: What did it say?

Brandi: I love you…?

Heidi: I thought it said “You wanna hear it?”

Peter: Yeah, we wanna hear it! Sing a song!

Brandi: You’re the piano man.

Voice in app: (?)

Peter: Finish this: 4, 5, 6.

Voice in app: (?)

Peter: I don’t think that was right. 

Brandi: (laughing)

Peter: I’ll give you one more chance. 1, 2, 3.

Voice in app: I lost.

Peter: He lost!

Brandi: (gasp)

Audio Clip #6

In this clip: As we continued to engage with this voice, we got what we think is the name “Tim.” And thus, we had a new friend! We refer to him as “Tim” for the remainder of the episode. 


Peter: Where are we?

Brandi: Where are YOU?

Voice in app: (?)

Peter: Heidi’s about to pass out.

Brandi: (laughing) Can you tell us your name? 

Tim: Tim.

Peter: ‘Tim’?

Brandi: (laughing) There are some who call me…Tim. You a Monty Python fan, Tim?

Peter: Are we talking to nothing right now?

Brandi: No, he said his name’s Tim.

Peter: Ya’ll wanna go to the other side of the house?

Brandi: Yeah! We can try. Hey, Tim, you wanna come? Come with us. So Heidi just met a guy, his name is Tim…

Peter and Heidi: (laughing)

Brandi: He sang to her and he thinks her jokes are funny! So that’s pretty cool. Let’s go find a place to settle. 

After this, we relocate to the parlor across the hallway, and we invite Tim along!

Audio Clip #7

In this clip: We set up the phone on the mantle above the fireplace in the parlor. As we start to discuss how much time we had left to investigate, we all heard a loud groan that was not coming from the app. Peter, who was still wearing headphones at the time, said he heard it really loud in his ears, but it came through the shotgun mic, and not the phone. No one was coming through the doors and there had been no creaking or groaning sounds prior to this. Also, the staff warned us explicitly to be quiet and not attempt to scare others or manufacture activity. So…hmmm…you be the judge. 


Peter: How long do we have to do this?

Brandi: Um…what time is it? Oh, my God. 

Peter: It’s 12:15?

Brandi: It’s 12:15!

(loud groaning)

Heidi: 12:20 was to go up in the lighthouse…

Peter: Did ya’ll just hear that?

Brandi: Yeah.

Peter: What was that? Somebody over there?

Brandi: Yeah.

Peter: Okay, ’cause that was really loud in my ear.

Brandi: Was it really?

Peter: Yeah. 

Heidi: Jesus Christ.

Brandi: So we planned to go in the basement and all, but I feel like this is kinda cool right… like, I don’t know, we’re getting some cool stuff!

(at this point you can hear other people talking as they pass through)

Audio Clip #8

In this clip: Lots of things happening in this clip! Jokes, more flirting from Tim, and some disembodied little girl giggling…yikes. Here we go!


Tim: (?)

Brandi: Tim’s back.

Tim: (loud whistle)

Brandi: (gasp) Ooo, Heidi, he’s cat-calling you, baby. 

**disembodied giggling**

Tim: I see you!

Peter: ‘I see you’.

Brandi: (gasp) He digs her…

Tim: Sexy.

Brandi: Did he say ‘sexy’?

Peter: I think I heard ‘sex with her’ or ‘sexy’.

Heidi: What??

Brandi: My sister’s a ghost whore. She’s a whore for ghosts. You know what? Just because he finds you sexy doesn’t make you the whore. I’m very wrong. 

Heidi: Rude.

Brandi: (laughing) Rude. You’re not asking for it. You didn’t ask to be born this sexy. You didn’t. It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault…

Tim: Respect!

Peter: ‘Respect’.

Brandi: Oh, I’m sorry, Tim. I’m just being…I’m just Heidi’s hateful sister. I’m sorry.

Tim: He loves her.

Brandi: ‘He loves her’? Tim, are you a vampire?

Tim: A goat!

Brandi: ‘A goat’? Tim’s got some weird ideas.

Heidi: (laughing)

Brandi: He likes to laugh. Tell him a joke.

Audio Clip #9

In this clip: As we discussed, a joke we’ve all grown up with is the orange you glad I didn’t say ‘banana’ knock-knock joke. This is the joke that Heidi is attempting to tell to Tim to see if he’ll engage with her again. He not only engages, but we get the most intelligent exchange yet! Listen along!


Brandi: You wanna hear a joke?

Tim: I’m behind you, girl.

Peter: ‘I’m behind you, girl’.

Brandi: (laughs) Tell him a joke.

Heidi: Knock, knock.

Peter: She said ‘knock, knock’.

Brandi: If he says ‘Who’s there?’ I’m gonna pee in my pants.

Peter: You’re supposed to say ‘Who’s there?’.

Tim: (?)

Peter: That sounded like Spanish.

Brandi: Okay, so, she said ‘Knock, knock’…

Tim: (?)

Brandi: She said ‘Knock, knock’. We’ll pretend Tim said ‘Who’s there?’

Peter: Now what?

Tim: (?)

Brandi: Tell the rest of the joke.

Heidi: Uh…banana?

Peter: Banana (laughing) Banana who?

Heidi: Knock, knock.

Peter: Knock, knock.

Audio Clip #10

In this clipWe get to hear the rest of the joke and Tim’s reaction! Also…you guessed it…more creepy giggles!


**disembodied giggling again**

(at this point you can hear talking from a couple of people passing through, that’s the ‘Whoa’ Jonathan heard)

Tim: Is that the end of it?

Brandi: ‘Is that the end of it’?!

Peter: That was my voice!

Brandi: No, he said ‘Is that the end of it?’!

Peter: Yeah, he said ‘Is that the end of it?’

Brandi: Finish the joke.

Tim: Respond!

Peter: ‘Respond’.

Heidi: What??

Brandi: UGH! Oh my God, I’m gonna throw up! (laughing)

Heidi: Banana.

Tim: (musical rimshot!)

Brandi, Heidi, Peter: (gasp)

Brandi: Oh, ya’ll! (laughing)

Heidi: Banana?

Peter and Brandi: (laughing)

Brandi: So creepy! (continues to laugh uncomfortably)

Tim: (?)

Heidi: What?? Knock, knock.

(more people talking and passing through)

Heidi: Orange. 

Brandi: (laughing)

Tim: (musical rimshot!)

Heidi: What the f*** is that?

Brandi: (laughing) I don’t know!

Heidi: Orange you glad I didn’t say ‘banana’?

Peter: It didn’t like your joke…

Tim: (musical rimshot!)

Brandi: (gasp)

Heidi: What the f*** is that??

Brandi: I don’t know! He likes your jokes.

Heidi: (unintelligible)

Brandi: I don’t know. Alright, Tim…

Heidi: Yep.

Brandi: We gotta go…

Tim: (musical rimshot!)

Brandi: Okay! 

Peter: Alright.

Tim: Exit.

Peter and Brandi: ‘Exit’. 

Brandi: Did he say ‘exit’?

Heidi: Was that you?

Peter: No.

Brandi: No!

**disembodied giggling a third time**

Peter: I’m telling you, I hear my voice in there…

Brandi: Uh…

Tim: To make you.

Heidi: What??

Peter: ‘To make you’?

Tim: To make you.

Brandi: ‘To make you’?

Peter: I heard twice!

Brandi: Yeah!

Peter: The exact same thing.

Brandi: ‘To make you, to make you’.

Peter: To make us what?

Tim: In the morning.

Peter: ‘In the morning’?

Heidi: What??


Peter: It repeated itself…

Brandi: Oh, my God!

Peter: …slower!

Tim: It’s magnetic.

Peter: ‘It’s magnetic’?

Brandi: Alright. So, Tim, thank you for talking to us. We’re gonna go.

(you can hear more people passing through and talking here)

Tim: Exit.

Brandi: Okay. Bye. 

Peter: Okay, well…

Brandi: Wow. Heidi…

Heidi: Yeah, well, I’m getting (unintelligible)…

Brandi: You gotta get that guy’s number. He likes your jokes, he thinks you’re a pretty cool chick…

Heidi: (laughing)

Peter: Ya’ll wanna go by the tree?

Brandi: …he wants to holler sometime.

Peter: Let’s go by the tree.

Heidi: (sighs) Okayyy…

Brandi: Do we have time?

Peter: Yeah.

Brandi: Bye, Tim. Thanks!

(more people talking as we’re moving toward the door)

Peter: So…I heard giggling a little while ago in this thing. 

Brandi: That was kinda weird…

Peter: I’m not joking. Was there, at any point, giggling? ‘Cause I heard giggling a little while ago.

Brandi: Giggling? Like little kid giggling?!

Peter: Yes.

Brandi: Oh, my God.

Peter: I swear to you…

Brandi: In there?

Peter: Yes!

Brandi: It recorded it?

Peter: I imagine it did.

Brandi: Love it!



And then as we stepped outside…



Peter: There was somebody behind me that I was holding the door for and they are not there.

Brandi: Oooh, my God. 

Heidi: What?

Brandi: Well, let’s get the hell outta here. 

Peter: I definitely was holding the door and there was no one there. 

Brandi: You wanna go to the tree? He heard giggling, you heard that?

Heidi: Nah-uh. 

Brandi: He heard little kid giggling in his headphones.

Heidi: No!

Brandi: Heidi…Heidi…Heidi…Heidi (laughing)

Heidi: (laughing)

Peter: Ya’ll that was kind of weird, right?

Brandi: That was kinda cool! Tell me you were catching ALL of that.

Peter: Oh, it’s all recording. 

Brandi: Please tell me it’s all recorded.

Peter: It’s all recording.

Brandi: Oh, my God! This…

Peter: Everything I’m hearing…

Brandi: This is gonna be an awesome episode!

Audio Clip #11

In this clip: We made our way to the large live oak tree on the property that is about 150ft or so from the House. As we were walking, Heidi’s flashlight went out again for the third time. At this point, we thought there was some sort of timed element to it, and it was going out automatically. We even said “debunked.” However, this outage occurred 15 minutes and 29 seconds from the last time the flashlight was turned on again. So…not debunked as it turns out. 

We set up by the tree at a picnic table and turned the GhostTube Vox app back on, but we got a whole lot of nothing. We were there for approximately 5-8 minutes without hearing anything at all. We began to discuss going to another site and started to hear some more…

We think Tim followed us and started making some noise at the end.


Brandi: It’s…it’s a timer.

Peter: It’s gotta be a timer.

Brandi: It’s pretty consistent. Debunked. But still. Interesting, none the less. Ya’ll wanna go to that pic-a-nic table?


We turned the GhostTube Vox app back on and waited for several minutes with nothing happening.


Peter: This thing’s pretty quiet out here. Is there anybody out here by the tree?

Brandi: They’ve probably done a lot of talking tonight.

Peter: Are you tired of talking? See that’s what weirds me out…is that…it can go for so long with nothing.

Brandi: Yeah. I mean, Tim was talking up a storm!

Peter: Right!

Brandi: You know, laughing at Heidi’s jokes and all.

Peter: I don’t think anybody’s by the tree. Anybody wanna play hide-and-seek? Any kids out here wanna play? I’m a really old kid. Anybody wanna touch me on my shoulder?

Heidi: (gasp)

Brandi: Or whisper in his ear?

Peter: Yeah, whisper right here into this, uh…this light right here where I’m pointing. 

Heidi: Speak into the microphone.

Brandi: Heidi would love a hug.

Peter: Ya’ll we ain’t had a thing over here. I say we go to the basement before we finish. 

Brandi: No.

Peter: No?

Brandi: Mm-mm. No.

Peter: Why?

Brandi: No, I think…I think we did fine…

(noises start from the app again, abrupt like a sneeze)

 Brandi: Oh! God bless you. Who are we talking to? Who’s this? Tim, did you follow us? (laughing)

Peter: Did you call me stupid?

(loud echoey sound)

Peter: You’re kinda loud.

(silence for awhile)

Peter: I don’t think there’s anybody over here. 

Brandi: I don’t think so either. 


Peter: Yeah. Ya’ll wanna go in the lighthouse for a little bit? Like not up…

(loud echoey sound again)

Peter: Yeah, we’re gonna leave if you don’t talk to us.


Brandi: If you don’t feel like talking, that’s fine, too. 


Audio Clip #12

In this clip: We decided to get up and go to the base of the lighthouse for the rest of the time. As we were getting our gear together:


Peter: Yeah, let’s go to the lighthouse. 

Brandi: Yeah, absolutely. 

Peter: Let’s go to the lighthouse.

Brandi: Lighthouse?

Peter: Yeah. 

Brandi: Yeah, I’m not hearing anything.

Peter: Can you get rid of the pole for me?

Brandi: Yeah. And that is what’s weird about it. That is…

Tim: Had no presence.

Peter: No presence. ‘Had no presence’ it just said.

Brandi: ‘Had no presence’!

Peter: Yeah, we ‘had no presence’.

Brandi: Yeah, Tim, you followed us? Thanks. That sounded like Tim’s voice. 

Peter: We had no presence so we’re going to the lighthouse. 

Brandi: Tim walked over. Hey, Tim. Welcome back (laughing). ‘Had no presence’.

Peter: Very clear as soon as we stood up.

Brandi: VERY clear: ‘had no presence’.

Tim: (?)

Heidi: What?

Tim: Hi, Petey!

Peter: ‘Hi, Petey’??

Heidi: What??

Peter: Did anybody else just hear that?

Brandi: I heard ‘Heidi’.

Heidi: I did, too!

Peter: Did you say ‘Heidi’ or ‘Hi, Petey’?

Brandi: I heard ‘Heidi’.

Tim: We win.

Heidi: Hmm??

Peter: ‘We win’?

Tim: (?) (very loud, echoey, warped, unintelligible sounds)

Heidi: What??

Brandi: Alright, Tim. You’re coming on a little strong, babe. (laughing)

Heidi: You’ll never get a girl, bro. (laughing)

Brandi: (laughing) You need to take about 75% off. Like…(laughing) chill out, dude.

Heidi: (laughing)

Tim: (?)

Heidi: What?

Peter: I don’t know, but that was really…that was a really long one.

Brandi: Yeah. That sounds like Tim’s voice. That sounds like the same voice from in there.

Tim: (?)

Peter: ‘Yeet’?

Brandi: (laughing)

Peter: Don’t throw anything at us, please.

Heidi: (laughing)

Brandi: (laughing) Please don’t yeet us. I’d like it if you didn’t yeet us, sir.

Tim: Banana.

Brandi: ‘Banana’?

Peter: Yeah.

Heidi: He did NOT say ‘banana’. Knock, knock.

Brandi and Peter: (laughing)

Tim: (?)

Peter: ‘From a planet’?

Tim: That sucked!

Peter: ‘That sucked’.

Brandi: (laughing) Oh!

Heidi: No, dude.

Brandi: He didn’t like that joke, Heidi.

Heidi: He didn’t let me finish it!

Brandi: (laughing) Let her do it, Tim.

Tim: Wait for the…

Peter: ‘Wait for the’…? Punchline? Were you gonna say ‘Wait for the punchline?’

Brandi: He didn’t. He just said it sucked!

Audio Clip #13

In this clip: We approached the outside of the lighthouse. As we were walking up, the wind picked up and was interfering with the sound. We then got a suggestion from Tim to get against the side of the lighthouse, which helped. 


Peter: It’s windy right here.

Tim: Get against it.

Peter: ‘Get against it’.

Brandi: Oh, thanks, Tim.

Heidi: Bro…(laughing)

Tim: Sucks!

Brandi: (laughing) Tim’s looking out for us.

Peter: ‘Sucks’ again. 

Brandi: Yeah. Heidi, you’re (unintelligible)…

Tim: (?)

Peter: You’re kind of mumbling. Say again.

Tim: 25.

Brandi: ’25’?

Peter: ’25’?

Tim: Actually.

Peter: ‘Actually’.

Brandi: 25 what?

Tim: (?)

Peter: Let’s keep walking around. 


Audio Clip #14

In this clipWe decided to walk around to the back of the lighthouse, which is bordered by the woods to the rear and the north and south privies to the right and left respectively. No light reaches this area, and it is extremely creepy. 

We did not keep all the audio in, but we were there for a few minutes and decided pretty quickly to leave. The voices coming through the app became extremely loud, distorted, and ominous. We all felt the same unease and ended up walking back to the front of the lighthouse where, immediately, the strange sounds stopped, and we seemed to be talking to our buddy Tim once again. Listen along!


Peter: What’s around the back side of the lighthouse?

Brandi: Very dark.

Voice from app: (growl and loud groan)

Peter: That was like a growl…

Voice from app: (loud wail)

Brandi: Ooookay. Goodbye.

Voice from app: (continues loudly and starts to distort)

Peter: What did it say??

Brandi: I don’t know, but, uh…

Voice from app: It said…

Peter: ‘It said’…

Voice from app: (random noise)

Brandi: (echoes random noise) (laughing)

Peter and Heidi: (laughing)

Brandi: There are some who call me…Tim. 

Voice from app: Capture!

Peter: Capture.

Brandi: ‘Capture’? No.

Voice from app: (begins to distort and get super loud again)

Brandi: Nope.

Voice from app: Express. EXPRESS!

Peter: I heard ‘express’ twice. Don’t call me fat, I’m losing weight!

Voice from app: (gets even louder, more distorted)


After that…yeah…we booked it back to the front of the lighthouse.

Audio Clip #15

In this clip: We moved to the slightly better lit front of the lighthouse, where we said goodbye to our new friend, Tim. He appeared to come back right away after we got out from the back of the lighthouse. 


(you can hear the tour guides talking to other guests in the background throughout)

Tim: That’s all.

Peter: ‘That’s all’.

Brandi: That’s all. Thanks, though. We appreciate you guys.

Peter: Say my name. 

Brandi: Oh! Petey just got weird. He’s all (singing)’Say my name, say my name’. 

Tim: (laughing)

Peter: He’s laughing.

Brandi: (gasp) Oh!

Tim: (?)

Brandi: Alright, well, thank you!

Tim: (?)

Brandi: Alright, well, good night and good luck. 

Tim: Ultimately…

Peter: ‘Ultimately’…yeah. Goodnight. Don’t follow us. You’re not allowed to follow us. 

Heidi: Please.

Brandi: Yeah. You stay here. 

Peter: Like for real.

Brandi: But thank you…

Tim: Recorded.

Peter: Yeah, we recorded. 

Brandi: Yeah. 

Tim: For the next…someday/Sunday (?)

Heidi: (gasp)What?

Peter: ‘Someday’.

Brandi: Okay.

Peter: It sounded like it said something like…

Peter and Brandi: ‘For the next…someday’

Brandi: Okay.

Peter: We’ll come back.

Brandi: Yeah, we’ll come back. Thank you, guys.

Tim: Exit.

Brandi: Okay. So that was definitely weird. Kinda cool. That was…that was weird.

Heidi: Super weird.

Brandi: Well…

Peter: Definitely almost accidentally deleted that just now.

Brandi: Oh, Peter, don’t do that! Heidi’s…Heidi’s trauma would be for nothing.

Heidi: (laughing)

Brandi and Peter: (laughing)

Audio Clip #16

In this clip: We talked with Sammy and Abbey, Specialty Programs managers at St. Augustine Lighthouse and Emily, our tour guide. At the time we toured, Sammy had been an employee of St. Augustine Lighthouse for seven years and Emily had been there for about four months. 

All three ladies stayed behind after the Dark of the Moon Tour was complete to chat with us about the lighthouse, the haunts, and some of their personal experiences on the property.

They all believe the property is a legitimate haunted site. Despite different backgrounds and reasons for taking the job, all of them genuinely seem to feel that the activity at St. Augustine Lighthouse is paranormal and authentic.

When we asked them about their spookiest encounters at the lighthouse, they had some really cool stuff to share with us!

Sammy talked about seeing a disembodied hand gliding down a banister. She also stated she’s seen the full figure of Maria, the “lady in white” twice. She was also very recently locked in the lighthouse by something unknown!

Abbey showed us a picture in her personal phone that she took. She saw this apparition with her own eyes and pulled out her phone to capture it. She believes it to be Maria on the observation deck of the lighthouse.

Abbey also reported seeing what she believes to be one of the Pittee girls peering over the third rail, staring down at her with a pale, white face! Ugh. 

She then told us about an instance where she was closing up with a coworker and was sitting outside the Keepers’ House waiting for him. Distracted by her phone, she thought she heard door handles turning and footsteps inside the house approaching her from the front…only to have her coworker walk up behind her! She does not go in the basement alone anymore due to recent heavy activity. 

Despite being relatively new to the job, Emily has already had a few experiences, too. She got very spooked by a visit to the basement with Abbie, in which Abbie told her that she heard two male voices talking back and forth when no one else was down there with them. She also reported being stationed at the top of the lighthouse during a tour and hearing footsteps coming up the stairs…despite knowing she was alone. 

Lastly, she told us about an experience she had as a guest prior to her employment at the lighthouse. As part of her school’s paranormal club, she and her fellow students conducted a pendulum session in the Harn exhibit’s dining room. One of the girls in the group had bangs dyed blue. During the session, something caused her blue bangs to suddenly stand straight up! When the group asked if someone had just touched the girl’s hair, they got a hard ‘yes’ from the pendulum!

Emily and the other guides believe the Pittee girls are responsible for this. They feel that the girls are likely fascinated by women with dyed hair and tattoos because those things did not exist while they were alive. Abbie endorsed feeling tracing and poking on her leg tattoos, and said numerous guests have reported feeling their tattoos being touched as well.

One of the most recent manifestations at the lighthouse is the appearance of wet footprints. They are child-size, appear wet, but are dry to the touch, and disappear and reappear on their own!

Emily pulled these images up on her cell phone to show us. She said there’s only ever the single side of the foot. Notice…only left feet. You also cannot wipe them away. Weird.

So what else did we talk about?

Old tech...

We learned that Jonathan does not update his computer. This may, in fact, be why he tends to have so much trouble with it. 

PSA: update your devices. 

In case you’re interested, here are the logos for Windows Microsoft 3.1 (old as hell), Bing (old as hell), and AskJeeves (also…old as hell). 

Ghosts moaning kinda sound like Dory speaking whale...

How does a pendulum session work?

So using a crystal on a chain, you apparently do the following:

#1: Cleanse the pendulum

Residual energies can interfere with the reading. Tap three times on the pendulum to reset it and cleanse it from residual energies.

#2: Open the session

Open the session by making sure the pendulum is at rest. There should be no movements. You can use a pendulum chart or read the pendulum by programming it to say “yes” or “no.” If you are unsure how to program your pendulum, you can read everything about it hereOpens in a new tab..

Open the session by inviting spirits of light to communicate; no other energies, entities, or spirits are allowed to come through. Set clear intentions and boundaries.

Be sure to record your session with the help of a video recorder or your phone. If you fetch information, you don’t want to lose it.

#3: Program the pendulum

Check your pendulum. Ask questions you know are “yes.” Continue asking questions you know should be “no.” If the pendulum responds in the “correct” way, you know your pendulum is calibrated and programmed.

#4: Ask the pendulum for answers


Now it is time to ask away. Be mindful of the way you approach the spirit, though. Never threaten or be rude. Remember, they were people too. Please give them the respect they deserve by helping out.




Sam and Colby from YouTube did an episode there...

Both Sammy and Abbey were on this episode! Check it out if you have time!

Photo Dump Time!

So there we go! This was a fun one, and we will most certainly be continuing the Strange Woods on Location episodes. We hope you had as much fun as we did. Please give us feedback on what you want us to investigate next! And if you haven’t joined our FaceBook fan page, WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING WITH YOUR LIFE??

Get over there!

You guys are the literal best! Stay Strange

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